Tattini Boots - Blog - Tried and Trued - Italian English Riding Boots
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Tried & Trued

5 Star Reviews, Certified Claims, and Well Rounded Positivity are just a few attributes that we as consumers look for in order to devote our trust into a product. Whether this is because of a previous let down, or just for added confirmation; seeking product verification is an inevitable part of our day-to-day lives. With this in mind, our team and craftsmen at Tattini Boots have taken an alternative approach toward introducing our Premium Italian English Riding Boots to the public. Rather than making bold blatant claims, we prefer to personally speak through our blogs while our Riding Boots speak for themselves to the public. As an English Riding Boot company, our motive is to simply facilitate the process of getting your hands on Tattini Boots. Development of a United States Warehouse, Ancestry Employees on standby through all hours of the day, Sizing Specialists, and more; are just a few ways we are doing so. This allows our brand to be tried & trued by those who matter most: equestrian riders and enthusiasts across the country.

Before unveiling our Italian English Riding Boots to the public, a beta model is provided to a large group of Tattini sponsored riders. Think of this as a user testing period, ensuring that real world durability and awe is present. Upon approval or conclusion of additional revisions, the tested pair of English Riding Boots is then released to the public. We recognize that our Sponsored Riders may uphold a biased opinion and therefore closely monitor the feedback of the general public upon release as well. For over a century we have listened to riders across the globe and padded our elements of comfort and durability; generating an environment in which negative feedback is an extreme rarity.

We like to share this feedback with you! On our home page, many of our recently received testimonials are cycled in live (near the bottom). Most of our products have also received individual reviews and can be found in our Shop. As Tattini Boots continue their expansion form coast to coast, we can closely foreshadow the date in which you can visibly witness the elegance of our Italian English Riding Boots in real life; or simply ask a neighbor for their own personal opinion. We remain confident in the English Riding Boot provision we provide, and eagerly await the day to achieve your own satisfaction in our pool of awe’d customers.

Defensive buying is never frowned upon, and often saves time and disappointment in the future. So what does this say about the company that hides their reviews vs. the company that places them on their forefront? Here at Tattini Boots you can trust that each Italian Riding Boot has undergone its own form of user testing before being released to the public. We are continuously listening to your feedback in order to craft a Riding Boot that truly sets a New Standard through never before felt comfort and durability; all with top-notch customer service right around the corner. Tattini Boots don’t just carry 5 Star Reviews and Positivity, rather a long list of revised attributes that for over a century have officially been Tried & Trued.

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– Tattini Boots
Premium Quality Italian Crafted English Riding Boots


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